Sunday, July 10, 2011

Surviving with Stoneclaw

As they say, "a dead dps does no dps." With Firelands out it's back to progression and learning new fights, so I thought I'd provide some tips on how to track our "lesser" damage cooldown. Your healers will thank you.

I use glyphed stoneclaw as my second damage reduction spell after Shamanistic Rage (sometimes in conjunction with). I use it for attacks like Beth'tilac's Ember Flare, Staghelm's Flame Scythe, or if I need to take a few more stacks of Torment during the Baleroc encounter.

It absorbs roughly 14% of my unbuffed health. Casting it will replace SoE totem and so it is a dps loss. At the cost of 2 GCD's you can drop Stoneclaw, get the shield buff, then reapply SoE.

Macro to cast Stoneclaw then reapply SOE:
Originally by gojant in the For your Health! thread on EJ.

/castsequence reset=15 Stoneclaw Totem, Strength of Earth Totem

Cast once to put down Stoneclaw and again to reapply SoE. Stoneclaw's shield buff will remain on you, even if the totem has been recalled, for 15 seconds or until used up.

Because I like to visually see how long the absorb lasts, I have Power Auras set up. I've also provided the Need to Know equivalent (though without the cooldown timer). 

Power Auras to show Stoneclaw shield up
Version:4.21; b:0.1137; g:0.9765; icon:Ability_Warrior_DefensiveStance; buffname:Stoneclaw Totem; r:0; texture:21; alpha:1; mine:true
Text indicator to show when stoneclaw totem is usable again (with timer)
Version:4.21; b:0.2078; icon:Spell_Nature_StoneClawTotem; buffname:Stoneclaw Totem; r:0; x:260; bufftype:15; texture:148; aurastext:Stoneclaw!; textaura:true; size:1.87; y:84; timer.enabled:true; timer.y:105; timer.x:242

Version:4.21; b:0.2078; icon:Spell_Nature_StoneClawTotem; buffname:Stoneclaw Totem; r:0; x:260; bufftype:15; texture:148; aurastext:Stoneclaw!; textaura:true; size:1.87; y:84

Need to Know:
Buff = Stoneclaw Totem
Bar type = Buff
Buff settings = Only show if cast by self
Time Format = Fractional Seconds

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